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Zoology Optional Syllabus for UPSC

Zoology is one of the preferred optional subjects by students who are appearing for the IAS Mains Exam. The subject has its roots in the Science field and is study of Animal Kingdom, their behavior, species and anatomy. If you are opting for Zoology as your subject in the civil services Mains exam then you need to have a deep understanding and study of the complete zoology syllabus for UPSC IAS exams.

The subject as a whole studies the anatomy, evolution, behavior, structure, and species of Animal kingdom. For this paper as an IAS candidate you must develop a thorough and deep understanding of the complete ins and outs of the IAS zoology optional syllabus.

The subject has a very wide scope and the Zoology syllabus is extensive. This is why it is important that you purchase the right Zoology IAS books and also enroll yourself in a good IAS zoology coaching class for better practice.

Many students from the Science background study IAS Zoology optional syllabus because it is easier compared to other subjects. The syllabus is well-defined, precise and concise and by studying the best IAS Zoology books with the complete UPSC zoology syllabus 2020 you can be sure of getting good marks.

Now, as an aspiring IAS candidate you are required to understand the subject at a deep level so you would be able perform good in your exam. This requires studying multiple zoology syllabus for UPSC main exam books and enrolling yourself in a good Zoology optional IAS Coaching to prepare for the exam in the best way.

To help the students with the same we have here summarized the pattern of  the zoology syllabus for UPSC, IAS that you should go through:

UPSC Zoology optional syllabus pattern:

The syllabus is divided in a combination of 2 papers. The content of the syllabus of Paper 1 and paper 2 is quite different yet relatable and both of them are very scoring.  Both papers are of 250 marks making a total of 500 marks.

Tips on how to prepare for the UPSC zoology syllabus:

Understand the paper in depth- The candidate needs to understand the basic of each topic in detail so that he can write a good answer in the exam and get good marks. Make sure you write a well-descriptive and complete answer.

Spend extra time in understanding the theories- Learn and understand the theories and try to write them with write quotes and definitions.

Draw neat and well-labeled diagrams- You need to be able to have a good grasp and knowledge of the diagrams too. This is because if you draw neat and well-labeled diagrams then you would get better marks.

Go through previous years questions papers- This is very important as you go through last year papers you would be able to identify important subjects and areas of the anthropology optional syllabus and pay more attention to them.

Best Zoology UPSC Optional Coaching:

For Candidates who are taking Zoology as optional subject for the Mains exam should get enrolled in the best Zoology coaching for IAS. With that they will be able to have a deeper understanding of the subject.

Our expert and highly experienced faculty, Mr. Pradip Sarkar has been teaching the subject for years. With this exceptional command on the subject, the students get to learn all the ins and outs of the paper in the best manner.

Related FAQS

Zoology as an optional subject for IAS mains exam is a preferred choice. The reason being the nature and the scope of the syllabus which is easier as compared to that of the other social science subjects. If you have prepared the complete IAS Zoology optional UPSC syllabus, you can be sure of getting good marks in the exam.

If you are taking coaching for zoology you will get to revise and study the syllabus quite a few times and that will help you prepare for the exam in the right manner will increase your chances of getting through it. This is how we help the students in the Coaching.

The Zoology IAS Coaching Delhi has the best faculty with years of experience in the subject. Their expert knowledge on the subject will help you prepare for it in the right manner. They will provide you the best lectures on the subject with excellent study material that will help you get good marks.

There are various benefits like:

> The Candidates are taught by bets faculty

> There are mock tests and doubt sessions

> There are interactive lectures

> Help you prepare the previous year question papers.

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